UNICA response to inception impact assessment on the revision of directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources by Sugarcane.org | Oct 1, 2020
Contributions to the Public Consultation on the High and low Indirect Land-Use Change (ILUC) – risks biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels by Sugarcane.org | Mar 5, 2019
UNICA and CEFIC call for full tariff elimination on bio-ethanol for use as feedstock in the chemical industry by Sugarcane.org | Sep 26, 2017
UNICA’s answer to the press release on EU-Merocsur negotiations published by CEFS, CIBE, ePURE and EFFAT by Sugarcane.org | Jul 26, 2017
UNICA position on draft European Parliament reports (ITRE & ENVI) on the RED II proposal by Sugarcane.org | Mar 26, 2017
UNICA position on the proposed new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) by Sugarcane.org | Mar 26, 2017
UNICA’s contribution to the EU public consultation on the sustainability of bioenergy by Sugarcane.org | Apr 26, 2016
UNICA’s contribution to the EU public consultation on the reform of the RED by Sugarcane.org | Feb 26, 2016
Position paper – Reducing transport emissions by 2030 through a renewed EU biofuels policy by Sugarcane.org | Jan 26, 2015
Biofuels Reform in the European Union: Why New ILUC Rules will Reinforce the WTO Inconsistency of EU Biofuels Policy by Sugarcane.org | Sep 26, 2013