UNICA response to inception impact assessment on the revision of directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources

Contributions to the Public Consultation on the High and low Indirect Land-Use Change (ILUC) – risks biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels

UNICA and CEFIC call for full tariff elimination on bio-ethanol for use as feedstock in the chemical industry

UNICA’s answer to the press release on EU-Merocsur negotiations published by CEFS, CIBE, ePURE and EFFAT

UNICA position on draft European Parliament reports (ITRE & ENVI) on the RED II proposal

UNICA position on the proposed new Renewable Energy Directive (RED II)

UNICA’s position paper on Mercosur-EU trade negotiations

UNICA’s contribution to the EU public consultation on the sustainability of bioenergy

UNICA’s contribution to the EU public consultation on the reform of the RED

Support an EU Sub-target for Renewables in Petrol

EU 2030 Road Transport Decarbonisation Scenario Analysis

Position paper – Reducing transport emissions by 2030 through a renewed EU biofuels policy

Greenhouse gas impact of marginal fossil fuel use