Blog Eternal Ethanol: Fueling the cooperation between India-Brazil 09/22/2022 Brazil and India have recently partnered for developing a sustainable, clean energy pathway, within the private sector, for decarbonising the mobility and the power generation sectors.
Blog A climate action roadmap for sustainable sugarcane 02/22/2022 Sugarcane is a great source of renewable energy in the form of bioethanol, biogas, biomass and as a raw material for bioplastics and biomaterials
Blog Sustainability of sugarcane production 01/24/2022 Sugar has long made the headlines around the world. Feared by some, craved by most and misunderstood by many, sugar comes in a number of forms, the best known of […]
Blog Climate Solutions will Require California Creativity 11/18/2021 Successful programs like California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and RenovaBio remind us that not all climate answers emanate from Capitol Hill. Absent consensus on climate policy at the federal level, […]
Blog Driving Green Financing for Brazil’s Biofuel Sector 08/27/2021 Biofuels are a central component to Brazil’s decarbonisation pathway. With the rollout Renovabio Programme, the Climate Bonds Initiative expects to see more green issuances coming from biofuel companies.
Blog Bio-based Sustainable Aviation Fuels as a decarbonization pathway 08/09/2021 The global aviation industry has set a goal of carbon-neutral growth and aims to reduce net aviation carbon emissions by 50% by 2050. 2021 marks the first year of the […]
Blog The Biofuels Revolution Coming to the Friendly Skies 07/27/2021 In the United States, cars and trucks account for the lion’s share of transportation greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), but aviation clocks in with a dangerously high 10 percent. With air […]
Blogethanol Has RED finally become GREEN? 07/19/2021 The third iteration of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) published today seeks to lend its support to the European Commission’s Fit for 55 package and strengthen goals to decarbonise energy […]
BlogRenovabio Opportunities for environmental products: Decarbonization Credits (CBIOs) 06/29/2021 With CBIOs, Brazilian agribusiness has also shown that it is possible to reconcile environment and production in an agenda that is significant for investors and managers
Blogsustainability Expanding biogas in Brazil’s energy matrix 06/21/2021 The Brazilian Biogas Association (ABiogás) forecasts the production of 30 million m³ per day by 2030 and still, this estimate seems rather conservative. The expansion of the local biogas market […]
biofuelsBlogsustainability The Biofuture Platform on the roadmap for the global energy transition 05/24/2021 It can be said that the year 2015, when the Paris Agreement was signed, was when the world woke up to the need to do more to combat climate change, […]
ethanolsustainability You’re on mute! 05/17/2021 “You’re on mute!” No doubt this has been one of the most repeated sentences, spoken and heard, over the past year. During countless seminars and virtual meetings, the familiar alert […]
sugarcanesustainability RenovaBio and the UN 2030 Agenda 04/26/2021 The RenovaBio Program was established as the National Biofuel Policy in 2017. Its main objective is to ensure an adequate expansion of renewable fuels in the Brazilian energy matrix, based […]
sugarcanesustainability Sugarcane and plastics: what does the future hold? 04/06/2021 I’m often asked to peer into a crystal ball and predict the future for biobased plastics. Having worked in the industry for over 10 years and seen it grow significantly […]
sugarcanesustainability Can sugarcane drive the circular economy for plastics? 03/24/2021 Many people still see waste as the biggest challenge facing plastics, yet too often the issue of sustainable sourcing is overlooked. Building towards a net zero circular economy means developing […]